For the last few years, I have grown to love running as a way of balancing out life's stresses, staying fit, and exploring new places. I have completed multiple half marathons, and now excited about taking the next step to full marathon territory in Osaka 2025. My day to day work as a paediatric doctor is both challenging and rewarding in equal measure, and I hope the marathon experience will be too.
I am privileged to be able to do something I enjoy, like running, while being aware of the health benefits it will bring to me personally. I also get to run through choice, rather than necessity (I definitely regret that choice some days!). I hope I can use my privilege and opportunity to improve the quality of life of others, by fundraising for HOPE International Development Agency (Japan).
We often take clean drinking water for granted (and I'll be needing a lot of water in training and completing this marathon), but for far too many people in the world, they don’t have this luxury. HOPE's work around the world makes access to clean drinking water a possibility for some, in a way that is sustainable and allows independence for the local communities. They have branches in a number of different countries around the world, with numerous projects in different global regions.
HOPE International will use the funds raised from Osaka Marathon runners for the following three activities:
General Info
More information about the 2025 Osaka Marathon.
See a list and profiles all of the runners participating for HOPE.
About HOPE's work in Cambodia, Ethiopia, and the Philippines!
VISA, MasterCard, AMEX accepted
Minimum donation is ¥1,000
General Info
More information about the 2025 Osaka Marathon.
See a list and profiles all of the runners participating for HOPE.
About HOPE's work in Cambodia, Ethiopia, and the Philippines!
2F Kamiya Bldg.,
1-16-2 Sakae, Naka-ku, Nagoya
Tel: 052-204-0530
Fax: 052-204-0531
All Rights Reserved | HOPE_JP