HOPE International’s overseas volunteer program is called UNION; which stands for: Understanding Needs In Other Nations. The main aims of UNION are:
The people in developing countries that live in a HOPE project site area have many problems that they deal with daily as they work their way out of poverty. It is hoped that while working and spending time with the local people that UNION participants will come to understand how important it is to the local people to have hope of overcoming their current poverty in the future.
There is no specific qualifications or experience necessary to be able to participate on a UNION trip. These trips are open to any who want to know more about developing nations or want to do something to help people in poverty.
Date: Nov. 23 ~ Nov. 29, 2024 (Japan arrival Nov. 30)
Participants: Max. 12 (min. of 6 required)
Registration deadline: October 30, 2024 (Wed)
Participation fee: ¥125,000 (2 persons per room) or
¥146,000 (1 person per room)
Included in the participation fee:
NOT included in the participation fee:
Conditions of participation:
Round-trip airfare: responsibility of the participant
Traveler's insurance: responsibility of the participant
Applications can be made using the PDF Application Form provided above, or our online application form (link below). If using the PDF Application, please post (regular mail), e-mail, or fax your application.
Required Documents:
Payment method: Bank transfer
Please transfer money to the bank account below. You will be responsible for any transfer fees.
The transfer deadline, etc., is as follows:
Account branch: 796 / Account number: 1557384
Account holder: トクヒ)ホープインターナシヨナル
(HOPE International Kaihatsu Kikou)
Nov 23 (Sat) | Meeting in Phnom Penh |
Nov 24 (Sun) | AM:Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum (S-21) PM:Travel to Pursat Visit and meeting at the HOPE Cambodia office |
Nov 25 (Mon) thru Nov 28 (Thu) |
Visit water supply project site Visit elementary school (school construction project site) |
Nov 29 (Fri) | Travel to Phnom Penh Evening - Departure from Phnom Penh |
Nov 30 (Sat) | (AM:Arrival in Japan) |
Over 500 wells installed and 15,000 people lifted out of poverty...
Since 2001, HOPE-JP water supply systems in 13 villages have brought 27,000 people clean water...
India Families lifted out of poverty and living self-reliantly...
HOPE-JP has been working in the Philippines since 2003, helping families and communities in need become self-reliant...
Although primarily focused on projects in lower income countries, HOPE-JP has supported several projects in the Tohoku Region
2F Kamiya Bldg.,
1-16-2 Sakae, Naka-ku, Nagoya
Tel: 052-204-0530
Fax: 052-204-0531
Email: info@hope.or.jp
All Rights Reserved | HOPE_JP