Clean water can help people become healthier and the use of a proper latrine improves sanitation. Enabling the usage of clean water in a safe environment is fundamental to escaping the cycle of poverty.
Cows are essential for farmers in rural Cambodia to expand their crops and increase income. One cow can help so much by cultivating the wilderness and providing organic fertilizer.
Through educational programs on savings and on building small businesses, women can not only improve their household incomes but also their social status, which put together will provide for a healthy development of rural communities.
Over 500 wells installed and 15,000 people lifted out of poverty...
Since 2001, HOPE-JP water supply systems in 13 villages have brought 27,000 people clean water...
India Families lifted out of poverty and living self-reliantly...
HOPE-JP has been working in the Philippines since 2003, helping families and communities in need become self-reliant...
Although primarily focused on projects in lower income countries, HOPE-JP has supported several projects in the Tohoku Region
2F Kamiya Bldg.,
1-16-2 Sakae, Naka-ku, Nagoya
Tel: 052-204-0530
Fax: 052-204-0531
All Rights Reserved | HOPE_JP