2021 Action Campaign



2021 Action Campaign

Thank you for contributing to The WORLD WATER DAY CAMPAIGN 2021

The World Water Day Campaign 2021 to provide families in Cambodia access to clean water has ended on the 21st of May.

We received a total donation of 102,000 yen through this campaign and we would like to thank everyone who supported us.

We will be running more campaigns this year, our 20th anniversary. 

And we will continue holding events and look forward to your participation and support. 

Thank you.

Don't you think World Water Day is the perfect day for our first event on our 20th anniversary?

Since March 22, 1993, every year, people and organizations mark World Water Day by tackling the global water crisis. World Water Day 2021 will focus on the theme of "Valuing Water". It is about what water means to people, it's true value, and how we can protect this vital resource.

The families presented in these pictures come from small Cambodian villages situated near the jungle in Pursat province. Due to a difficult economic situation of the country, and a lack of infrastructure, they are forced to be exploited by the middlemen. Whether it is work on a plantation, or in the jungle; these families struggle to provide a proper environment for their children, and other family members. This has been going on for over a decade. One of the biggest obstacles which these families are facing on daily bases is no water supply in close proximity. Transporting water takes time, and effort. Limited volume results in poor living conditions, decreased crop yield, and most importantly dehydration. 

We understand that water is a bare minimum, for human survival, but in a place where even that is lacking; building a well truly makes a remarkable difference.

What We Can Do Now

Our goal is to build one well during this campaign. One well changes the life of an entire village; but also the life of generations to come. We strongly encourage you to join us in the quest for clean water. Many are waiting for your help in Cambodia.

Each of us can do a little, but if we come together, we can be a big help!

This is why HOPE is launching the WORLD WATER DAY CAMPAIGN 2021

Please donate to support families in Cambodia on World Water Day on March 22nd. 

Minimum donation is ¥2,000 for 1 person.

How you can help:

  • Individually donate money for a selected family.
  • Create a team or group and start collecting money.
    (Ex. Raising ¥100,000 for Mr. Pok's family with your colleagues)
  • Forward this message to all your friends through SNS to increase awareness of the water issue in Cambodia.

A well in Cambodia that provides clean water for families

Goal: ¥400,000 / Campaign: March 22nd ~ May 21st, 2021

Payments by Credit Card

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You can make your donation via secure credit card payment (we accept VISA, MasterCard, and AMEX).
Please process your online donation via the above「♥ Make a Donation」button.
*HOPE-JP is a Nintei NPO and certified to give tax-deductible receipts. Follow the link for or more details about tax deductions.

※ The donor’s registered address in Japan is required for issuing a receipt valid for tax deductions.
If your registered address and mailing address are different on your resident card, please notify us of both addresses.

For further information, please read our guide to payment by credit card. If you prefer JCB cards, you may use this Credit Card Payment Information Sheet and fax it to the number indicated.



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