Blog Post

Creating Future Projects: 2024 Progress and Outcomes

HOPE-JP • September 15, 2024
2024 Progress and Outcomes

This month's newsletter is a mid-term report on the projects implemented this year, which we informed you about in the January 2024 newsletter.

Cambodia: Water and Education Projects in Pursat Province

This year, we are working in Sameit Village, Pursat Province. By July, we constructed 14 wells for 100 households and built household toilets for 37 families. Additionally, we conducted health and hygiene education to improve health and sanitary conditions using safe water. To enhance nutritional status, we provided home garden support for 40 households aimed at securing food supplies. At the village primary school, the library construction that began in February was completed at the end of June, and 88 students are now using it. In the Animal Bank project, we have loaned out 8 cows to farmers, expanding agricultural activities.

Ethiopia: Health and Hygiene Education Support and Women's Empowerment Project in Southern Ethiopia

At the end of January, a three-year project in the Oyda district concluded. This project constructed water supply facilities, enabling about 12,000 people to access safe water within 30 minutes from their homes. Subsequently, 920 women who were freed from water-fetching duties were supported to become economically independent. As women began earning income, the average household income increased fivefold compared to before the project. This led to women's economic and mental independence and improved social status, with women now confidently expressing their opinions at village meetings. In April, a new project funded by the TOTO Water Environment Fund was launched in a new area, focusing on school toilet construction and menstrual education. The Oyda district project is detailed on our blog.

Read more about our projects in the Ouida region on our blog.
May 2024 Blog:
When Women Shine, Communities Change »

In July, a large-scale landslide occurred in the Gofa district near the project area, causing many people to lose their homes and beloved family members. While recent frequent landslides in Ethiopia are mainly caused by heavy rains, excessive deforestation is also cited as a contributing factor. As a countermeasure to landslides caused by deforestation, we have begun afforestation activities with grants from TOYO Tires and the Green Fund.

landslide in Ethiopia

Philippines: Seeds of HOPE

HOPE provides scholarships to indigenous Filipino youth who are unable to pursue higher education due to social and economic reasons, giving them the opportunity to pursue higher education at the Pamulaan Centre in Davao City.

On July 10th,  ten (10) HOPE scholars graduated. After graduation, they return to their home regions and volunteer to preserve the culture and traditions of their people, using what they have learned. Graduates of the Primary Education program will take the Teacher Licensure Examination in September!

Philippine graduation

HOPE's activities are supported by your donations.



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