Blog Post

Graduation in the Philippines

Kristina Eichholz • Aug 01, 2024

Junicon-sponsored Students graduate from Indigenous Culture Education Program in the Philippines

Students graduate from Indigenous Culture Education Program in the Philippine

For more than 10 years, Junicon has supported a wonderful program at the Pamulaan Center for Indigenous Peoples Education in the Southern Philippines. This support has been enabled by the HOPE International Development Agency Japan, with whom Junicon collaborates to provide funding for students at the Pamulaan center. Each of our sponsored students completes a 4-year Tertiary Education Program which enables them to become a leader in their local communities, strengthening cultural heritage and raise more awareness for the importance of preserving indigenous culture.

The support of this program is part of Junicon’s commitment to give back part its annual revenues to projects in the areas of health care, education and sustainable development around the world. 

The Pamulaan project is an outstanding example of how you can provide educational opportunities for young people that have a wide range of positive effects in the communities the graduates return to after completing their education.

Learn more about the Pamulaan Center for for Indigenous Peoples Education:

Junicon representative Kristina Eichholz attended the Graduation ceremony of the 2024 class on July 10th at the Pamulaan Center near Davao City in the Southern Philippines.

Kristina had the opportunity to speak to some of the students and was very impressed to see with how much dedication and vision for the future the graduates the students were planning to use the knowledge they were able to acquire in the course of their studies.

"These graduates will become leaders in their communities, help foster appreciation of indigenous cultures and ensure that the rich heritage of the indigenous peoples will be preserved and grow stronger. This is a fantastic program," Kristina commented after attending the event.

Junicon is very proud to be part of this incredible program and are grateful for the opportunity to work alongside the HOPE International Development Agency Japan in making a meaningful difference in the lives of young students in this part of the world.

HOPE International Development Agency Japan is part of the HOPE International network founded in Canada, dedicated to mobilizing resources, connecting donors, volunteers and teams with opportunities to fuel lasting change around the world. HOPE is working in 20 countries, with a focus on clean water, food security and livelihoods – together we equip and empower possibility for families through approaches that are resilient, community-led and sustainable.

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