Blog Post

SHG supports women's social advancement

Akemi Nozawa • Jul 13, 2020

SHG program and how it empowers women in developing countries

The SHG program, short for Self-Help Group, is run by HOPE in Ethiopia and it is designed to empower women socially and economically. The program encourages women in the villages to form groups and learn about savings and running businesses together, eventually helping their families become financially independent.

Ethiopian women's social advancement is ahead of Japan

In recent years, there have been many debates on women issues in Japan. However, from a global perspective, Japan is far behind in women's social advancement, and according to a recent report by international organizations, Ethiopia ranks far higher than Japan in terms of gender equality.

Ratio of Female Executives (2018)
Ethiopia 27% (Rank: 97)
Japan 12% (Rank: 173)

Source: ILO (International Labour Organization)

ranked out of 189 countries

Ratio of Women in National Parliaments (2020)
Ethiopia 38.8% (Rank: 29)
Japan 9.9% (Rank: 166)

Source: IPU (Inter-Parliamentary Union)

ranked out of 193 countries

The journey ahead for women in Ethiopia

However, even in Ethiopia there is a large disparity in the social status of women between those living in urban and rural areas. In the villages of HOPE’s projects, the culture of male dominance is prevalent, with commonly held prejudices such as "women do not need education" and "they have no right to speak" considered the norm in the communities. As such, women are designated within certain spaces, and their roles limited to fetching water and housework.

The SHG program provides a space for such women to come together as a group and exchange opinions freely. The women who have participated in the program thus far have made use of their talents and opportunities to become independent. Women in the villages are now learning how to live robust lives with their male counterparts. Personally, as a woman, I have been supportive of these women participating in the program. The women finally have started on their journey towards equality. I hope they will be able to build successful businesses and make big leaps forward.

Cambodian women seek empowerment too!

At HOPE's intervention sites in Cambodia, similar programs are being implemented to support women. The goal of the program in Cambodia is to help women succeed in business and to find ways to become self-reliant, and to contribute to the development of the whole community. By creating a community where not only men but women are also empowered, the future of the village becomes brighter.

Written by Akemi Nozawa, Ethiopia Project Officer
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