Blog Post

How Monthly Supporters Benefit both Donors and Organizations

Masao Kawai • November 21, 2023
Monthly Supporter

Do you know about the HOPE Monthly Supporter program?
An increasing number of NPOs are growing their monthly donors who support their work by contributing a fixed amount each month. I think it would be great if there were more people becoming Monthly Supporters, as I support NPOs.

The Value of Ongoing Donations

For NPOs, having donors who commit to donations every month makes it easier to predict and plan budgets in terms of securing financial resources, leading to systematic management, stability, and peace of mind. You can focus on projects over the medium to long term based on the projected financial resources, and it becomes easier to take on fresh challenges such as developing new projects.

In addition to donations, an NPO’s financial resources include membership fees, grants, subsidies, corporate contributions, commissions, and loans. However, grants, subsidies, and entrusted funds often come with restrictions on usage, and generating income from services can be challenging. Membership fees and donations, which are highly flexible financial resources, are important for swift and sustainable work.

Donors who gain a deeper understanding of the NPO’s work and become involved in the organization over the long term are a reassuring asset for NPOs. Donors can contribute an affordable amount, such as ¥1,000 per month, and if they continue to do so over a year, it will add up to ¥12,000, which exceeds the median donation amount of ¥10,000 (Donation White Paper 2021). While one-time or occasional donations may involve the hassle of repeated applications or transfers and the risk of missing donation opportunities, automated ongoing donations make it easier for donors to continue their support until they choose to stop.

As a result, communication with the organization and understanding of its work will deepen. Donating is not limited to monthly supporters, but in addition to providing financial support, it also allows you to connect with NPO stakeholders and supporters, and through communication such as project reports, financial reports, newsletters, and events, you can learn about the social issues being tackled and the status of the work that is being done on the ground.

Things that encourage donations from the donor's perspective

If donors understand how donations are used, and the amount needed, it will be easier for them to make contributions. If they feel that they are specifically being called upon, and they get reports on how their support is being used, in the situation on the ground, and hearing the voices of the beneficiaries, they feel more connected to the work being done in the field, and that the project belongs to them.

When seeking donations, HOPE also lists specific projects in Cambodia and Ethiopia, such as providing clean water, hygiene education, building and promoting the use of toilets, microfinance, school education/vocational training, and agricultural support. It is easy to understand how donations are used and the work involved, and from among various programs, you can select and support the projects that interest you, and by making your own choices, you will feel a greater sense of participation and ownership.

On the other hand, if you want to support a variety of activities all at once, or if you want your donations to be used where the organization needs them (including organizational management and costs), the “where most needed” a general donation option is available. This system includes donations to the entire organization and overall projects and activities.

At HOPE, "from Water to Self-reliance" means that our support begins with providing clean water to neglected communities, which will help them on their path to independence. HOPE projects are designed to respond to the areas of highest necessity (and help with the most urgent projects where assistance is most needed).

Fundraising is "Friend Raising"

Donation methods include one-time donations and crowdfunding, and HOPE's signature fundraising event, the Charity Dinners, are regional, annual events that presents HOPE's work and raises funds for projects. It is considered be an essential component for community building and is an important activity for fundraising that connects people.

Related News Article »
HOPE Charity Dinners: Connecting people through fundraising

What are the donor benefits of being a monthly supporter?

There is a saying that "fundraising is friend-raising". Through continuous donations, giving becomes a part of "everyday life", allowing individuals to feel like members of the nonprofit organization (NPO) and its community through participation and collaboration, even if they cannot directly engage in activities. While initiatives such as Christmas fundraising and seasonal donation campaigns create opportunities for giving each year, fostering a habit of contributing, the appeal of donations is realized when individuals who have never donated before experience the feeling of giving. As the frequency increases and becomes a habit in their daily lives, giving or donating becomes a part of their lifestyle, and this embodiment is what I believe a "Monthly Supporter" represents. 

International cooperation and the activities of non-profit organizations (NPOs) are a long journey. It is like a journey, and it would be wonderful to walk together on such a path. Isn't that the charm and value of being a Monthly Supporter? December is also “Giving Month.” Why not take this opportunity to join us on a "journey" with HOPE?

HOPE's work is supported by your donations.
Donations to HOPE are tax deductible.



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